July 10, 2022
2021- 2022 Track Season Report
The 2021-2022 Track season has drawn to a close for Ontario Cycling. We were very excited to be able to get back onto the track. While we were not able to offer our second event for both the Youth Track Development and OCup Series in January, we were able to get back on the track in February and March and finish off the season.
Event Registration
Coming out of COVID-19, we saw a significant decrease in numbers compared to the 2019-2020 season but could still see some great events and impressive results from our riders.
Within the registration numbers, we also saw a large discrepancy in participation numbers between genders.
Ontario Cycling will be looking at ways to decrease the gap between the genders on the track, as well as within all areas of cycling in Ontario.
Track Budget
Track events are one of the most expensive disciplines to run in the sport of cycling, with the overall track costs (not including staffing) being upwards of $1,000/hour.
Ontario Cycling did not have a track sponsor this season, which meant that we had to heavily subsidize all our events to allow them to move forward. We are already working on finding strategic partnerships for our upcoming 2022-2023 track season, as well as innovative ways to drive registration and excitement for our events.
Event Participation Survey
Thank you to all participants for taking the time to fill in our Event Participation survey. We truly appreciate the feedback! We will be offering this as part of every discipline, so we encourage everyone to please fill this out following your event and/or season so that we can continue to improve our members’ event experience.
The Event Participation Survey can be found here: Event Participation Survey.
We had 41 respondents at the time of writing this report and we have summarized the feedback below.
We received lots of great ideas and feedback from the additional comments section and the event department has added these to their season debrief. We will use this information to look at how we can improve the experience for next season.
Ontario Cycling would like to take the time to thank all our dedicated volunteers who worked so hard to make these events a success! We could not put on these events without them, and we value their generosity and passion. Please remember to take the time to thank a volunteer at the next event you are at!
We are very fortunate to have a great group of commissaires for our track events here in Ontario. We wish to thank each of them for their professionalism, dedication, and passion for our sport.
Supporting Partners
Clubs and Teams
Ontario Cycling would like to acknowledge that our events would not be possible without the support of the Town of Milton, the Tony Osbourn Memorial Youth Fund, Odyssey Medical, Chris Kiriakopoulos (announcer), Familia Fine Foods, Racetiming.ca, Velofix, Clorox, and the Staybridge Hotel in Oakville.
A final Thank You to all the clubs, teams, and coaches who continue to support our track programming and events in Ontario. It’s wonderful to watch the development of their athletes and see the excitement as they hit the track.
Attack Racing * Ascent Cycling * Bateman’s Bicycle Co pb Cloud 9 AV * Cannibal Team * CHC Armada * Cyclepath Oakville Race Team * Dundas Valley Velo * Echelon Cycling Club * Edge Cycling * Ennsys Inc. p/b Cyclepath Oakville * ESP Endurance Team * Girondins de Bordeaux * Hardwood Next Wave * High Gate Racing * Ignite Development * Jetpower Cycling Team * KW Cycling Academy * LapDogs Cycling Club * LVIV Cycling Team * Mariposa Racing Team * Midweek Cycling Club * Milton Revolution Cycling Club * MRCC/Giordana * NCCH * Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club * Ottawa Bicycle Club * Peterborough Cycling Club * Railway City Cycling Club * Rally Cycling * RealDeal Racing * Ride with Ryan p/b Cycling Elements * Star Track * TaG Cycling Race Team * Team Hamilton * Toronto Hustle * United Nations of Cyclists * University of Toronto Road Racing * Win Cycling Centre.
Congratulations to all the cyclists who participated in our OC Track Events. From the Youth Development Track Series & Youth Development Finale to our OCup Track Series and OC Track Provincials, we hope you enjoyed your season at the Milton National Cycling Centre Velodrome. We look forward to seeing you again next season!