Empowering Coaches with a Solid Education Program to Help Athletes Reach Their Full Potential
Ontario Cycling recently held a successful coaches conference at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre in Milton, Ontario. The event was attended by Ontario-based coaches, who benefited from four professional presentations delivered by Ontario Cycling’s Sport Scientists, Psychologists, Coaches & High-Performance Athletes. The coach’s conference was an incredible opportunity for coaches to come together and share their experiences and knowledge.
The conference’s theme was effective communication and language in coaching, emphasizing that coaching is more than developing technical skills. This is a vital lesson for coaches to learn because being an effective coach requires more than just understanding the technical aspects of the sport. It also requires excellent communication skills, empathy, and the ability to motivate athletes.
Coach education is of the utmost importance because it helps coaches to become better at what they do. It gives them the necessary knowledge and skills to help their athletes achieve their full potential. Moreover, it also helps coaches stay up-to-date with the latest training techniques and technology, which can significantly impact their athletes’ performance.
Ontario Cycling puts much effort into providing a solid coach education program. The organization offers a range of courses and workshops for coaches, including the NCCP courses, which are recognized nationally. These courses cover various topics, including planning and delivery of training programs, nutrition, and athlete safety.
In addition to the courses and workshops, Ontario Cycling also holds regular conferences like the one held recently in Milton. These conferences allow coaches to network and learn from experts in the field. They are an excellent way to stay current with the latest coaching developments and exchange ideas with other coaches.
“The coach’s conference was an incredible opportunity for coaches to come together and share their experiences and knowledge. The theme of effective communication & language in coaching emphasized that coaching is more than just developing technical skills. The conference was a great success, and I left feeling inspired and motivated,” said Roxy Slootegraf after the conference.
Ontario Cycling would like to thank the Coaches Association of Ontario, Canadian Sport Instituto Ontario & The Fix p/b Velofix for supporting their recent coaches conference. In addition, the organization would also like to thank the keynote speakers for sharing their knowledge and the coaches for attending and joining. If you want to attend Ontario Cycling’s next conference and have a specific topic to discuss, don’t hesitate to contact Alex Roger.
The coach’s conference was a great success, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and language in coaching. Coach education is vital for the development of coaches, and Ontario Cycling puts much effort into providing a solid coach education program. By doing so, the organization is helping coaches to become better at what they do and enabling athletes to achieve their full potential.
Author: Alex Roger
Kevin Iwasa-Madge
Roxy Slotegraaf & Jocelyn Stel
Judy Goss, PHD, CMPC