Always In Motion


At the 2022 Annual Meeting, the OC Board of Directors presented revised bylaws to bring the organization into alignment with the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA), which went into effect on October 19, 2021. 

The current bylaws have not been updated since 2013 and the Board took this opportunity, along with our legal counsel, not only to revise our bylaws to bring them into compliance with ONCA, but also to implement industry best practices and a change in our membership classes which would be an incremental step towards giving more clubs and members a vote at the Annual Meeting. 

During our Annual Meeting held on June 30th, 2022, the revised bylaws were voted down by the attending members, 52% to 48% with the concern being expressed that the Membership Categories did not align with the intent of the strategic plan with regards to community building and grassroots development. 

OC Management and the OC Board of Directors, to solicit further feedback, held an open call for Clubs to attend a Townhall specifically to discuss the membership categories within the proposed bylaws. OC invited all 78 affiliated clubs (not for profit and private) to the Townhall. 

If you have any questions that you wish to discuss ahead of time, please contact Pam Julian.


Ontario Cycling 2022 Special Meeting of the Members

  1. Call to Order
  2. Formal Opening –Establishment of Quorum
  3. Approval of the Agenda:
    1. MOTION SM-22-01 THAT: The Agenda of be approved
  4. Business as Specified in Meeting Notice
    1. Bylaw Changes
      1. MOTION SM-22-02 THAT: The Bylaw revisions for the OC Membership Class, Sections 2.1 through to Section 2.4 inclusive and Section 3.9(a), are approved.
      2. MOTION-SM-22-03 THAT the Bylaw revisions, not including the Membership Class revisions in Sections 2.1 through to 2.4 inclusive and Section 3.9(a), are approved.
  5. Adjournment


The Special General Meeting is presenting two motions to the membership for voting:

Motion 1:

That the Bylaw revisions for the OC Membership Class, Sections 2.1 through to Section 2.4 inclusive and Section 3.9(a), are approved.

Motion 2:

That the Bylaw revisions, not including the Membership Class revisions in Sections 2.1 through to 2.4 inclusive and Section 3.9(a), are approved.