Always In Motion

Ontario Cycling Endurance Camp Applications Open

Ontario Cycling is hosting an endurance camp in Malaga, Spain with the purpose of building aerobic capacity through early-season base miles.  The camp will be fully supported under the direction of certified coaches and experienced ride leaders.  The camp is tentatively scheduled for Feb. 10 – Mar. 9, 2025.  Athletes will have the opportunity to attend for a 2-week or 4-week block (depending on availability)   

Recognizing athletes have different needs, schedules, and previous commitments, we are requesting anyone interested in attending complete the Application below.  Based on this information we work to accommodate athletes as best as possible.

Project Objectives
  • To provide athletes with an opportunity to build their aerobic base through structured endurance rides
  • To improve athlete pack riding skills and etiquette
  • To expose athletes to a training camp environment and develop off-bike skills required to be a quality training partner and teammate 
  • To develop professional training habits and developing self-awareness for maximizing zone training  


Athlete Profile [8-12 athletes will be selected]
  • 15 – 22 years old in 2025 (some exceptions may be considered)
  • Strong performance/experience at domestic and international competitions
  • Demonstrated commitment to the sport of cycling (coach in place, structure training program being followed, established goals for 2025)
  • Previous experience in Ontario Cycling camps/programs (preferred but not required)


Application and Selection Criteria
Endurance Camp Project Outline and Selection Criteria

Camp Composition

·        Feb 10- Mar 9: Block A – 8 athletes

·        Feb 10 – Feb 23: Block B [Mid Feb] – 8 athletes

·        Feb 23 – Mar 9: Block C [Late Feb] – 8 athletes

For all camp options priority efforts will be made to have gender balance. 

Athlete Requirements

·        2025 UCI License issued by Ontario

·        Completion of NCCP Safe Sport Module

·        Ability to complete repeated training rides of 4+ hours w/ various levels of elevation 

Estimated Cost*

Includes accommodations, coaching, ride support, internal transportation

*Final cost established following athlete selections

·        ~$625/week + Air Fare/Baggage

·        Athlete groceries/meals


Athletes are required to complete the online application by November 17.  


Selection Criteria  (Automatics)

·        Athletes selected into the “Provincial Performance Pool” of the Targeted Athlete Program  

Selection Criteria (Priority)

Athletes selected based on the identified order of criteria.

Gender balance will be applied for all selections within the “Priority” category

1)   Athletes selected into the “National Transition Pool” of the Targeted Athlete Program

2)   Athletes Selected into the “Provincial Development Pool” of the Targeted Athlete Program

Selections within priority#2* (if required).  

1)   Athletes placing top 3 in an individual event at a U17/U19 national championship

2)   Athletes meeting the objective criteria from results at a U19 national championship/Canada Cup.  Top placing result at an individual event at national championships used as tiebreaker. 

3)   All remaining athletes. Top placing result at an individual event at national championships used as a tiebreaker.

Any further tiebreaking or decision will be determined by the HP Committee with consideration towards (in no priority order)

a)   Athlete performances/results in 2024

b)   Athlete demonstrated commitment to the sport through attendance at competitions, camps, and training under the direction of a coach with clear YTP in place.

Selection Criteria (Additional Athletes)

Additional athletes may be selected based on the following considerations and the recommendation of the HP Committee

1)   Athlete performances/results in 2024 at high level (international/national) competitions [U23/U19/U17]

2)   Athletes selected to represent Team Ontario at National Championships [MTB/Road]

3)   Athletes selected into 2024-25 Ontario Track Academy

4)   Athlete demonstrated progression and commitment to developing in the sport


OC Appeals Policy