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New Hope Community Bikes is partnering with the Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario Cycling, and the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service, along with the communities on the east coast of James Bay, to bring about this epic event. Our aim is to partner with each local community to initiate youth bike programs. These communities include Moose Factory, Moosonee, Fort Albany, Kashechewan and Attawapiskat.   

We are looking for people to ride and people to support. If you are not available to ride please consider making a donation. 

Expect EPIC, Riders will cycle 300kms over 3 days, fully supported, from Moose Factory to Attiwapiskat raising awareness and funds to equip youth in the communities along the James Bay coast in Northeast Ontario with safe cycling education, skills and resources. 

The programs will be focused on positively engaging, influencing, and mentoring youth through bikes.

We are fundraising to: 

  • Purchase fat bikes for each of the 5 community
  • Run engaging youth bicycle programs
  • Provide resources and tools to outfit youth bike shops in each community

We would like invite everyone, to ride where you live, and join them virtually on this EPIC ride! 

Make a donation and ride, on a stationary bike, or on a road or a trail, each day, over the three days. You set your supporting time and distance.

Join the STRAVA club and log your distance each day.