Organizers on record hosting a competitive event are recommended to hold an Ontario UCI license with the ORG designation. In order to receive this designation, the license holder must have passed a provincial level Commissaire course within the discipline of the event being organized. For anyone interested please contact [email protected] for information and next steps.
Event dates will be prioritized in order as follows (using the date choices provided on the Expression of Interest form):
1. UCI Events
2. National Events
3. Provincial Championships
4. Ontario Cups
5. Regional Events
6. Cycle For All Events
7. Gran Fondos
8. Charity
Other priority considerations will be considered including proposed event format and event location to allow for a well-balanced race season. Unless indicated on this form, organizers who do not receive the sanction level they requested, will be automatically considered for the next lower sanction level. Unless given special dispensation, no event may be awarded an Ontario Cup sanction (or higher) without having run the event previously at the sanction level immediately below it.
Note: The following form is simply an expression of interest to host/organize an event. It does not guarantee that your proposed event will be approved/sanctioned or that you have received your preferred date. All submissions are reviewed and discussed prior to a decision being made. Additional information may be requested (if deemed necessary) to make an informed decision on the event sanctioning.