All organizers interested in hosting an Ontario Cycling sanctioned CX event are required to fill in the following EOI form. Once all Expressions of Interest (EOI) submissions have been received as per the dates below, a preliminary calendar for the season will be created for approval by the OC office. Once the calendar has been confirmed, organizers who have been approved will be contacted by Ontario Cycling to confirm their event date by signing an Organizer Agreement. All event sanctioning is subject to approval by the OC office.
Please note that organizers must provide a Land Use Permission Letter before being placed on the Ontario Cycling event calendar.
Please note that organizers must provide a Land Use Permission Letter before being placed on the Ontario Cycling event calendar.
CX EOI Submission Deadlines:
- Opens – Wednesday February 5th @6:00pm et
- Prelim Calendar Deadline – Sunday February 23rd @11:59pm et
With an increasing interest in hosting CX OCup events and limited date options available, the following terms have been identified to make the selection process for OCup events as clear as possible:
- OCup Eligibility – Only organizers who have hosted a sanctioned regional event within the previous 5 years or an OCup/National event within 15 years are eligible to be granted an OCup sanction for their event.
- OCup Date Selection Process – OCups must never conflict with one another. OCups must never conflict with a National event of the same discipline in Eastern Canada (ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL). Where 2 or more organizers of an OCup event request the same date, if a resolution is not met between the conflicting parties the organizer who submitted their EOI for the event first will receive the requested date. The latter organizing party will need to request a new non-conflicting date or will be granted their second/third date choice selection as applicable*.
- Black Out Dates – The weekends of September 20th/21st, November 1st/2nd, and November 8th/9th will not be granted a CX OCup, any organizer who requests an OCup on these dates will be required to select a different date or have to run the event as a regional sanction on that date if applicable.
- Maximum # of OCups (5) – To produce a high quality and sustainable race series, the number of CX events that are granted an OCup sanction is capped at 5 total.
- Date Choices – All CX OCups are required to provide a minimum of two date options (first and second choice) to submit an EOI.
*In the circumstance the requested date for an event is not approved and the organizing party refuses to change their date, OC has the right to withdraw sanctioning.