Gravel – Hell/Heck of the North – Fall Edition – Ballantrae, ON

Ballantrea Community Centre 5592 Aurora Rd, Whitchurch-Stoufville, ON, Canada

Hell Of THE North Our 14th annual 'Hell of the North was our best yet. The fall edition will for sure crank things up even more. Our goal is to continue to work as hard as we can to bring you an event where life long memories are made. Starting and ending at the Ballantrae […]

Gravel Cup Series – Ottawa Valley Gravel Experience – Ottawa, ON

Ottawa Valley 574 Mill Street, Calabogie, Ontario, Canada

Based in the Gravel Cycling Mecca that is Canada’s National Capital Region, Brendan Gorman created Gravel Cup to share his passion for gravel riding, and to provide a platform for gravel cycling enthusiasts to explore new routes, and challenge themselves on a variety of gravel genres. He’s spent countless hours literally lost in the woods, […]

Gravel – Paris to Ancaster – Hamilton, ON

Ancaster 385 Jerseyville Rd W, Ancaster, ON, Canada

For over a century the roads of northern Europe have been home to the toughest bicycle races in the world. The most famous of these, Paris to Roubaix, takes place each spring over brutal cobblestone roads that have been preserved in their historic condition for over 100 years. Inspired by this classic race, the Paris […]

Gravel – Creemore Springs Turas Mor – Creemore, ON

Creemore 139 mill st, Creemore, ON, Canada

Join us in Creemore, ON for our truly unique bike tour. Inspired by the vintage rides of Europe, Turas Mór – meaning ‘Great Journey’ in Gaelic - is a cycling […]

Gravel – Blue Mountains UCI Gravel Fondo – Thornbury, ON

Blue Mountains 795534 The Blue Mountains Clearview Townline, The Blue Mountains, Ontario, Canada

Set in beautiful Grey County at the southern end of Georgian Bay starting and finishing in the town of Thornbury, Ontario, the area provides the ideal geography for a world class gravel event, with a broad variety of terrain under a variety of road surfaces leveraging the Niagara Escarpment and Beaver Valley for challenging climbs. […]

Gravel – Melrose Tour Boondocks – Belleville, ON

Tyendinaga Recreation Complex 363 McFarlane Road, Shannonville, ON, Canada

Welcome to our inaugural gravel tour. This is an opportunity to experience some winding, hilly, unpaved rural roads and trails in a quiet, traffic free setting. Local riders have set […]

Gravel – Voyageur 200 – Nipissing District, ON

Nipissing District 205 Main St E, North Bay, Ontario, Canada

Raise heart health awareness for heart and stroke disorder Aphasia. The event will raise money for the NBRHC foundation, helping aid in the current rehabilitation unit. The Nippising District has […]

Gravel Cup Series – Back Forty Highlander – Ottawa, ON

Ottawa Valley 574 Mill Street, Calabogie, Ontario, Canada

From the picturesque location of the Back Forty Artisan Cheese Farm this marquee event uses the stunning roads of North Frontenac and Lanark Highlands. Lots of single lane treed gravel […]

Hell Heck of the North – Fall Edition

Slabtown Cider Co 4559 Concession Road 6, Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada

Real Deal Racing is bringing back Hell Heck of the North  - Fall Edition over two days October 19th - 20th.  More information will be posted as soon as provided, […]