Always In Motion
Hop On Program
HopOn is a games-based cycling program that teaches school-aged kids across Canada the joys of cycling safely.
The grassroots HopOn program is designed to help young people master basic cycling skills and build confidence through on-bike achievement. Launched by Ontario Cycling and supported by the governing National Sport Organization Cycling Canada, the program is a fun, games-based and inclusive of all riders. Our goal is to provide a safe and inclusive environment for youth and young teens to socially interact and develop their on-bike skills with our trained and provincial instructors.
The HopOn program is typically offered as 3-5 day Summer Camps, 4-6 week Monthly Programs and 1-Day Showcase Events. With it’s adoption from Cycling Canada, HopOn is established as a national best practice for youth to learn and practice their fundamental on-bike skills. This program is currently being incorportated into community weekly summer camps & monthly programs, Ontario Cycling sanctioned club events, and underserved community initiatives.
Who is the focus group ?
HopOn focuses on developing on-bike skills of youth and young teens that range between the ActiveSTART and FUNdamentals stages of the Long-Term Athlete-Development model. This can include participants who are new to pedalling, comfortable riding on grassy fields, experience riding on forest trail systems, ready for a new challenge, or seeking a sanctioned riding group/cub within their community. At minimum, it is expected that our participants feel comfortable riding without training wheels in a straight line for 60 pedals strokes.

Shape of the HopOn Program and what to expect.
The HopOn program is adaptable to challenge youth – young teen participants on an individual basis. Our curriculum consists of five levels of varying ability and skill development. Participants can either begin their journey at level one and continue to progress through each division. Instead, participants who have previous cycling experience may join into a program that best matches their current ability level. Our levels outline pre-required skills before entering each program. For instance:
Riders can ride a two-wheel bike 60 pedal strokes without stopping.
Riders can stop and start quickly, change gears effectively and tap their head/helmet while riding.
Riders feel confident turning quickly, look behind while riding straight and rolling off a sidewalk curb.
Riders can lift their front wheel, tap their foot while riding and put their hand on a partner’s shoulder.
Riders can stop and go with one hand on their head, stop and go on a steep hill and ride beside/behind a partner.
HopOn is designed to motivate youth and young teens to stay engaged through continuous learning and skill-development. The purpose of each level is to allow participants to develop, refine and challenge their ability through an increase of skill complexity. After completing each level of our program, participants receive a letter of certification, acknowledging their completion of the program and providing information on the next progression. Once our participants have moved through the HopOn program and completed level 5, they have then mastered the required basic skills to become integrated into a sanctioned club practice. We encourage our participants to develop their skills enough to join a local club, but also emphasize the importance of remaining life-long cycling enthusiasts using the skills developed within the HopOn curriculum.

Long Term Development Model
“The Long-Term Development in Sport & Physical Activity is a framework for the development of every child, youth & adult to enable optimal participation in sport & physical activity. It takes into account growth, maturation & development, trainability, & sport system alignment”.
Active Start (0-6 Years old)
Active Start is about mastering basic human movements and developing habits of physical activity.
Movement Focus: Development of locomotor, object manipulation & balance skills.
Program Factors:
- Mainly unstructured / exploring locomotor movement skills
- Opportunities for play in natural environment
- Series of challenges, with a combination of successes & failures to help develop better confidence & extend children’s comfort range
FUNDamentals (6-9 Years old)
FUNdamentals are about developing fundamental movement skills and enjoying being physically active.
Movement Focus: Emphasis on activities that develop agility, balance, coordination & speed (ABC’S).
Program Factors:
- Informal competition with no records or results
- Introduction of simple rules & etiquette; focus on fair play and respect for others
- No periodization, but well structured & instructed programs
You want to book a hop on program?
Our HopOn program is typically structured through weekly camps, one-day showcase events, and monthly programs. Could also mention the program can be offered as part of school programs. We are continually looking to train instructors and book new programs in communities across the Province. We aim to provide HopOn to youth of all backgrounds. Therefore, Ontario Cycling is committed remove barriers by supporting this program delivery with groups working with underserved and/or minority populations.
If you are interested in learning how to book a program within your community/school/club, please contact Ontario Cycling’s Community and Grassroots Developer, Alex Roger.

How to become an Instructor
We are always looking to expand out instructor pool and get more kids on bikes through the HopOn program. Instructors can schedule their own programs, offer programming, in-conjunction with local clubs, and be booked to deliver programming established by Ontario Cycling. Instructors can be of any age and cycling experience level and will be provided with the training and support required to be successful.
HopOn instructors are required to complete the NCCP Community Initiation Pathway, Submit a Background Check and complete the HopOn e-Learning and on-bike Instructor Orientation. If you are interested in the steps to becoming a HopOn instructor, please visit this link.
If you have any questions regarding the HopOn Instructor pathway, please reach out to Alex Roger.
Instructor Pathway
Duration: 45 minutes
Provider: Cycling Canada
Cost: $15
Duration: 30 minutes
Provider: Coaches Association of Canada
Cost: Free
Duration: 4 hours
Provider: Coaches Association of Canada
Cost: $75
Duration: 2x 2 hours
Provider: Ontario Cycling
Cost: $60
Duration: 8 hours
Provider: Ontario Cycling
Cost: $120
Duration: 12 hours
Provider: Cycling Canada / Ontario Cycling
Cost: $150
The grassroots HopOn program is designed to help young people master basic cycling skills and build confidence through on-bike achievement. Launched by Ontario Cycling and supported by the governing National Sport Organization Cycling Canada, the program is a fun, games-based and inclusive of all riders. Our goal is to provide a safe and inclusive environment for youth and young teens to socially interact and develop their on-bike skills with our trained and provincial instructors.
HopOn focuses on developing the skills of youth and young teen cyclists that range between the early starting phase (ActiveSTART) and basic fundamentals stage (FUNDamentals) of the Long-Term Athlete-Development model. This can include cyclists who are new to pedalling, comfortable riding on grassy fields, experience riding on forest trail systems, ready for a new challenge, or seeking a sanctioned riding group/cub within their community. At minimum, it is expected that our participants feel comfortable riding without training wheels in a straight line for 60 pedals strokes.
The HopOn program is adaptable to challenge youth-young teen cyclists on an individual basis. Our curriculum consists of five levels of varying ability and skill development. Participants can either begin at level one and continue to progress through each division. Instead, participants who have previous cycling experience may join into a program that best matches their current ability level. Our levels outline pre-required skills before entering each program. For instance:
- Level 1: Riders can ride a two-wheel bike 60 pedal strokes without stopping.
- Level 2: Riders can stop and start quickly, change gears effectively and tap their head/helmet while riding.
- Level 3: Riders feel confident turning quickly, look behind while riding straight and rolling off a sidewalk curb.
- Level 4: riders can lift their front wheel, tap their foot while riding and put their hand on a partner’s shoulder.
- Level 5: Riders can stop and go with one hand on their head, stop and go on a steep hill and ride beside/behind a partner.
We ask that some cycling experience is required in order to demonstrate each skill/activity within the HopOn curriculum. However, we are primarily looking for energetic individuals that act as community leaders, experience in teaching, previous work with youth participants in other sports, and/or have a passion for cycling.
Check out our HopOn calendar and find upcoming HopOn events.
It is required that all HopOn instructors complete the NCCP Community Initiation coach training. After the coaches have completed the Community Initiation pathway, we will send an initiation to complete the HopOn E-Learning (4 hours) and in-person Orientation (8 hours). HopOn instructors are also required to submit a background check to Ontario cycling and hold a current Ontario Cycling membership.
We are always looking to expand out instructor pol and get more kids on bikes through the HopOn program. Instructors can schedule their own programs, offer programming, in-conjunction with local clubs, and be booked to deliver programming established by Ontario Cycling. Instructors can be of any age and cycling experience level and will be provided with the training and support required to be successful.
We require that instructors have their own personal working bike and helmet when delivering the program. Ontario Cycling can support each program by providing equipment (cones, chalk, hula-hoops, tennis balls, etc.) and branded flags.
Instructors are compensated by Ontario Cycling on an hourly-basis. This includes program set-up, delivery and tear-down of each session.
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