Always In Motion
Club / Team Information Package
OC clubs and teams are required to register annually. Prior to registering, it is important to read the complete information package for your type of cycling organization. Clubs and teams are expected to abide by the terms and conditions in the relevant document once registered.
Must be completed prior to registered Club Try-out activity
2025 OC Club Day Pass coming soon!

- Maintaining an active Board of Directors/Management Team
- Non-profit clubs should have a board elected by the members at an annual meeting in accordance with its bylaws
- Having an open membership (all non-profit clubs)
- Following its bylaws/letters patent as per its incorporation status
- Updating its information with the government and Ontario Cycling as changes in structure, directors, purpose occur
- Reporting the club’s membership to OC as requested
- Ensuring all members have sufficient OC membership (Community, Challenge, Compete or UCI) to participate in club activities (dependent on club activity)
- Ensuring the club has adequate bylaws, policies and guidelines in place to help guide its governance.
- Ensuring club members are aware of all policies and rules of the club and follow these rules
- Ensuring members are aware of the OC member insurance program and its benefit to members, as well as other relevant OC programs, events or member related items
- Providing a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for members at both social activities, rides and club member events.
- Ensuring that ALL coaches, club personnel, chaperones and volunteers dealing with youth adhere to the guidelines set out by Rowan’s Law, Safe Sport and the Responsible Coaching Movement.
- Club and Team Activity Guidelines
- Club and Team Information Packages
- Intraclub Competitive Event Submission Form
- OC Sport Injury Report Form
- Certificate of Insurance request Form
Club / Team Promotion

Ancaster Velo Cycling Club – Club Profile

Bakkers Trailblazers – Team Profile

Hamilton Cycling Club – Club Profile

LapDogs Cycling Club – Club Profile

Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club – Club Profile

GearHeads Cycling Club – Club Profile

St. Catharines Cycling Club – Club Profile

Silver Spokes Cycling Club – Club Profile

Attack Racing Cycling – Team Profile

Barrie Cycling Club – Club Profile

Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club – Club Profile

Cobourg Cycling Club – Club Profile

Ottawa Bicycle Club – Club Profile
The Benefits of an Ontario Cycling Club Registration
Want to be part of a thriving province of cycling clubs, events and enthusiasts? OC Member Club Registration may be for you and your organization. Some of the many benefits include:
Registered clubs and teams will have a public profile listed on the OC website along with a link to its website.
Registered clubs and teams will be listed on OC memberships and in results for OC sanctioned events.
Clubs & Teams will be able to have their own custom jersey worn during activities and OC sanctioned events (subject to OC approval). Multiple jerseys are eligible but not in the same category at sanctioned events.
Jerseys cannot mirror the Team Ontario or Provincial Champion cycling jersey
OC registered clubs are able to organize FREE Club Try-out opportunities for individuals looking to try-out the Club on a specific pre-scheduled day prior to joining. Clubs can also offer the opportunity to purchase an OC Club Day Pass for recreational activities outside the Club Try-out program, thus allowing non-members the chance to experience the club before joining for the season.
Registered clubs, teams and members have access to the OC’s General Liability insurance program during OC sanctioned activities and events. Challenge, Compete and UCI members also receive additional core Sport Accident medical benefits coverage as well. (Optional for Community members)
Clubs will have the ability to purchase Directors & Officers Insurance Coverage from the OC’s insurance provider Gallagher Insurance at a preferred rate.
Throughout the season, clubs and teams will have access to numerous OC organized education webinar opportunities that may benefit their organization or group.
OC registered clubs receive to OC organized Ride Leader Training, Coaching courses and Commissaire courses.
OC registered clubs with a minimum of five OC Members are eligible for one vote on behalf of the Club at the OC Annual Meeting.
Monday to Friday access to OC staff to help you with any questions or concerns you have regarding activities, insurance, policies, coaching, events, etc.
All OC Members receive access to preferred member pricing and discounts with any of the OC’s Member Benefit Partners.
Registered OC non-profit clubs (incorporated non-profit) are eligible to apply for Cycling Canada’s charitable donation program, allowing those who donate $20+ to the club to receive a charitable tax receipt.
2025 Types of Member Clubs
A club incorporated as a non-profit entity with the Government, which has a set of bylaws governing how it is run, and is operated by the members, normally through an election process that determines the members of the club’s Board of Directors.
OC Individual Membership Requirements: Community, Challenge, Compete, UCI License
A club incorporated as a Business Corporation (For-Profit) with the Government, and which may be owned either by the members or by a single individual/group. A For-Profit Club may or may not have bylaws in place to govern how it is run.
OC Individual Membership Requirements: Community, Challenge, Compete, UCI License
2025 Types of Teams
A private group restricted to invited individuals with a focus on racing, with membership made up of primarily Challenge, Compete or UCI Licensed members. A Private Racing Team is generally owned and operated by either an individual or group of individuals under the guidance of a Team Manager. Private teams may choose to organize training activities (for its members only) under the OC insurance program (subject to requirements, add $75.00 to registration fee for sanctioned training activities to be covered)
OC Individual Membership Requirements: Challenge, Compete or UCI License
A private group made up of 4 or less members that is private in nature, generally run by an individual as the Team Manager. Supporting Business teams are great for athletes or small groups that are sponsored by a business. Supporting Business Teams may choose to organize training activities (for its members only) under the OC insurance program (subject to requirements, add $75.00 to registration fee for sanctioned training activities to be covered)
OC Individual Membership Requirements: Challenge, Compete or UCI License
Ride Leader Training
Ontario Cycling Clubs and Members interested in leading sanctioned club rides are encouraged to register for the Ontario Cycling’s Ride Leader Training Course to help develop good club ride practices and obtain the knowledge and skills in order to pass them on to other potential group ride leaders within their respective clubs. This course is designed to meet the needs of Ontario Cycling requirements for club affiliation by following guidelines outlined in the club’s risk management and ride guide outlines.

- Risk Management
- Club Ride Guides
- Safe Riding Practices
- Ride Coordinator Responsibilities
- Ride Leader Responsibilities
- Troubleshooting Difficult Situations
- Managing Groups of Different Ability Levels
Upon completion of this course, we encourage our participants to pass on their acquired knowledge and skills to their clubs and fellow ride leaders. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email for more details regarding course content or potential upcoming course dates.
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