What’s The Difference & Why Does it Matter?
There are many exciting events available to cyclists in Ontario, across all disciplines and levels. While many of these events are well organized and safe, it is still important to educate yourself on the level of risk while participating in these events. From local cycling club events to large scale events, it is important to understand your coverage from an insurance standpoint, but also know that the event you are attending is utilizing industry best practices.

OC Sanctioned Events
Events sanctioned by Ontario Cycling (OC) follow the OC Technical Guidelines that are reviewed and updated each year according to industry best practices. The Technical Guidelines are created in collaboration with the OC Team, Commissaire Panel, and discipline specific experts, to ensure a safe and positive event experience for participants. OC Sanctioned Events must follow the Technical Guidelines for their specific discipline in order to be sanctioned by Ontario Cycling.
OC Sanctioned Club activity
If you are a holder of a 2023 Associated Club Membership (ACM), your Membership insurance covers you only when you are participating in an OC Affiliated Club Sanctioned Activity. This activity would be provided in advance to the OC on the Affiliated Club Activity document. If you have any questions on whether your Club Activity is sanctioned with Ontario Cycling, please contact your club contact directly.

If a 2023 Member of the OC participates in a Non-Sanctioned Event, it is important to know that their 2023 OC Membership, whether it is an ACM, Provincial Race License or Ontario issued UCI License insurance, does not cover them at that event. It is the Members’ responsibility to review the registration of the non-sanctioned event to see what insurance, if any, is provided for the rider. Know your coverage before you register and understand the risks to participating in events where you have no coverage. Many events have liability coverage for the venue or event company, but do not offer liability coverage to the riders participating at the event. It is also important to note that if there is liability coverage offered for riders, it does not include Sport Accident Coverage.
Your 2023 OC Membership includes access to Ontario Cycling’s core Sports Liability ($10M per occurrence) and Sport Accident ($50,000) insurance coverage through Gallagher Insurance. This insurance coverage is there for you while participating in OC sanctioned activities, such as an OC affiliated club ride or a provincially sanctioned race. With this member benefit, you can safely participate in OC sanctioned activities with peace of mind knowing that OC’s coverage is there in case something should occur.
The Sport Accident insurance can help cover items such as physiotherapy and other medical bills which may occur due to injury during a sanctioned activity and works as an additional layer to OHIP and/or a work health benefits program. For more details on the OC Sport Accident Insurance coverage please see summary 2023 Member Insurance Summary

Insurance Add-Ons only for OC Members
In addition to the core program, Ontario Cycling offers two additional Personal Accident Benefits Extended Coverage options, which cover an OC Member for accident coverage when participating in personal training, or training & transportation type of activities.
The coverage and cost for this added benefit coverage are:
Personal Training Option – $27.00 (+ processing fees) covers you for while participating in unsanctioned rides where the primary purpose is exercising or training, and not commuting.
Anytime on the Bike – $114.00 (+ processing fees) covers you for all unsanctioned activities on the bike, including, but not limited to, commuting and other activities where the primary purpose is transportation.
The Additional Insurance options can be added to your 2023 Membership registration at the time of purchase or post-purchase as part of the OC Store Items.
If you have any questions about your 2023 OC Membership or OC Sanctioned Events, please contact [email protected]