Always In Motion

OC Women’s Month Profile – Marie-Eve Potvin

Marie-Eve Potvin is a Provincial Level C Commissaire with Ontario Cycling who has been an incredible addition to our OC Commissaire Team. 


Tell us a bit about you?

With a background in a M.Sc, my journey has been one of continuous learning and exploration. After many years in a field-based position in Montreal, I moved to Ontario where I am currently involved in the support of digital initiatives in the pharmaceutical industry. Most recently I am finding articular excitement and passion in contributing to projects leveraging AI’s potential for innovation in therapeutic areas. Beyond my professional pursuits, I find joy in cooking plant-based recipes, watercolor painting, and the delicate craft of coffee-making – a newfound passion ignited during the pandemic.


How did you get involved with cycling and why were you interested in becoming a commissaire?

My journey into cycling began as a way to connect with new people, never imagining it would become such a passion. After moving to Ontario in 2017, I started volunteering at the velodrome to immerse myself in the cycling community. It was there that I found myself drawn to supporting the commissaires, which sparked my interest in pursuing this path.


What do you enjoy most about being a commissaire?

It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing. For me, the best part of being a commissaire is the continuous learning and personal growth it offers. Every experience helps me evolve, both personally and professionally, and that’s something I truly cherish.


You are currently Provincial level C in mountain bike, cyclo-cross, road and gravel disciplines and Provincial Level A in track. Do you have long term goals for your officiating career? 

Absolutely. My goal as a commissaire is to keep pushing myself to new heights. I’m dedicated to expanding my skills and knowledge in officiating, with the aim of reaching new levels in the future.


What advice would you give to someone who might want to become a commissaire? 

For aspiring commissaires, I would emphasize the importance of remaining open to learning and never assuming one knows everything. Just as in other aspects of life, humility and a willingness to continuously improve have been instrumental in my own journey. Additionally, I encourage embracing challenges, learning from experienced peers, and never hesitating to seek clarification through asking questions.

Marie Eve Potvin smiling wearing a blue commissaire shirt ascending a staircase to the commissaire stage

Photo By: Michel Guillemette