Creating an Optimal Environment for Females in Sport with Judy Goss
Providing athletes with technical and tactical concepts is essential to success however we often overlook the importance and need to create an environment that allows females to flourish as well. This webinar will focus on elements that increase a sense of belonging and resilience within young female athletes. How do you address the wellbeing of athletes along with their performance and what strategies can enhance their abilities to lean into the challenges of cycling and life.
The session will be held via Zoom on March 27th at 7:00pm. To attend, please pre-register here:
About Judy
Judy Goss, PhD is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant®, who works with National and Olympic/Paralympic Team members including athletes from Skate Canada, Wrestling Canada, Athletics Canada, Swim Ontario, Skate Ontario and Ontario Cycling. Judy received her PhD in Sport Psychology from the University of Maryland. She has served as the Mental Performance Lead for the National Sport Science and Sport Medicine Advisory Committee for Own the Podium and was the Mental Performance Lead at the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario for almost 2 decades.
Judy maintains a private practice working with athletes and coaches from a wide variety of sports as well as National and Provincial Sport Organizations. She has written numerous articles and presented at national and international conferences. Her work with athletes and coaches focuses on performance enhancement, performance under pressure and building resiliency. She takes an educational approach so that athletes and coaches understand the theoretical concepts as well as developing the skills and strategies to integrate into their daily training and competitive experiences.