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Ontario Cycling’s BMX Rising Stars Summer Program at the Pan AM Track will provide regular training opportunities for riders to develop skills in a supportive and positive training environment.

Program Objectives

  • To provide athletes 12-15 years of age with exposure to a supercross track while also providing an opportunity for the BMX community in Ontario to train together
  • To provide a talent identification opportunity for provincial program coaches 

Athlete Applications:

Athletes must complete application prior to Tuesday May 23 at 5pm.

Program selections will be announced prior to Friday May 26th.

Rising Stars Program Athlete Selection Criteria

  1. Top 8 at Canadian Championships & Canada Cups in 2022
  2. Top 5 USABMX Provincial Champs in 2022
  3. Gender equity
  4. Equal age distribution

**Athletes currently selected in the Performance Program will not be selected for the Rising Stars program

Tentative Schedule



May 27 & June 10

Training sessions


June 17-18

Nationals Preparation Camp

  • Including Team Ontario Selection


July 22, Aug 5, 19

Training sessions


Selection Criteria and additional details for this program can be found in the program document. 

Please direct any questions about this project to Amber Hutchinson, OC Technical Lead