August 22, 2022

Ontario Cycling is launching a Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging (DIB) Steering Committee which will work on the development of strategies for promoting participation in the sport of cycling in Ontario regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, body shape, ability or language.
The purpose of the steering committee will be to create strategies for increasing diversity, inclusion & a sense of belonging within Ontario Cycling and the Ontario cycling community, represent diverse voices and perspectives and ensure that we are including these strategies of improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the execution of the Ontario Cycling Strategic Plan.
The committee shall have no more than 8 members with support from OC Staff and shall be Chaired by the OC President & CEO. The committee will have representation from the cycling community representing a broad range of under-represented groups, such as, but not limited to:
- Indigenous peoples
- Newcomers, new Canadians
- Persons with disabilities
- Racialized people, people of diverse ethnic or cultural origin
To be a member of the DIBs Steering Committee, you must:
- Be over 18 years of age
- Be a current Ontario Cycling member for the 2022 season
We are looking for members who are passionate about making a difference in our sport.
If you are interested in being a part of this committee and helping us to drive change, please fill in the form below.