Always In Motion

OC Women’s Month Profile – Project R.A.D.

Rider. Adventure. Destinations.

By Manda Freyman of The MTB Exchange

Last year The MTB Exchange took 30 women mountain bikers to St. George, Utah on a fully supported mountain bike adventure through their partnership with Sacred Rides.

Project R.A.D came to life when my spouse and I rode a seven day fully supported ride adventure in the Kootenays. Our trip was nearly vetoed when a couple that had also booked our date cancelled due to COVID. To our delight, Matt Paul one of the owners of Sacred Rides, stepped up and participated as a rider so we could continue as planned. Through the time I spent with Matt we really got to know each other, and I shared in our mission of helping to build mountain biking in our respective fields. Matt was really interested in how I was able to unite women’s mountain biking in Ontario through a ride sharing program.

The question was asked –  How could he attract more women riders to consider travelling with other women to experience destination rides?

Matt expressed that when booking excursions of 6-12 people, he seldom has an “all-female” booking. This wasn’t the case of course with the men or couples.

project rad riders line up inside a cave opening
project r.a.d riders in the mountains

“Why do women not feel comfortable booking a destination trip, knowing it will only be the girls?”

Soooooo, what if WE could build a program within our current model to provide our ridership a women’s only destination mountain bike experience. Giving them an opportunity to access a fully guided and supported mountain bike experience at an affordable point of entry, while building their relationship with The MTB Exchange and its members?

That’s why Project R.A.D was created! Problem solved!

This year riders will have the choice between two great adventures, a fully coached Whistler experience or bike, surf, and beach vibes in Costa Rica

While you will be responsible for the pedaling and the stoke, all the details connecting the week will be seamlessly buffed out to allow you to connect and ride worry free. Riders will break into groups based on the challenge, skill and effort that works for you.

Thanks to Big Mountain Bike Adventure & Ride The Earth’s expert guides.