Brenda is a member of the Veneto Cycling Club and a retired RN with a long history of volunteering. Brenda’s tireless efforts over the years in the women’s group and the Club in general have not gone unnoticed. She has demonstrated leadership in the women’s group as well as other areas of the Club and is now the Vice-President.
In addition to her cycling volunteer efforts, she was a trainer for 10 years with her daughters’ hockey teams and currently volunteers with Global Medic. She has always been interested in learning new things.
How long have you been cycling?
I started cycling in 2014.
What drew you to getting involved with Veneto Cycling Club?
My husband was a member of the Veneto Cycling Club since its inception in 2012. At the end of the 2013 season, he announced that the club was planning a trip to Italy in the fall of 2014. “Well, I guess I’m going to join the cycling club because I am not missing out on a trip to Italy.” I joined the club in 2014 and have never looked back. It has been a tremendous adventure since then. Every season brings new experiences and has provided opportunities to test myself and explore my limits.
What’s your favorite part about volunteering and running these events for women?
I find it very easy to be an inhibited introvert and I think this helps me recognize that maybe someone else may also feel this way. Coming into an established group can be intimidating for some. I hope to ease some of that by sharing experiences. We have a variety of speeds and distances in which all our female members can and do participate. And many of our female riders enjoy the all-female group ride.
What advice would you give to other women about getting involved?
Try it. Just try it. Try it and fail, but at least give it a try. And if you fail? Well that means you tried. And that is something.
What’s favourite type of ride?
I like the coffee ride, the group ride, the social ride, the trail ride, the hilly ride, the scenic ride, the unplanned ride, the detour ride but especially like the ‘no flats’ ride where I don’t have to fix a flat!