Ontario Cycling is launching an accelerated pathway to help coaches complete their NCCP Introduction to Competition coaching certification, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to shape the future of competitive cycling in the province. By registering for this program, coaches can begin & complete their Introduction to Competition certification within a 10 – week period.
What’s being offered as part of the Fast Track Program
The NCCP Introduction to Competition coaching pathway serves as the foundation for individuals working with athletes actively competing in the sport of cycling. With aligning our coaching courses with Cycling Canada, Ontario Cycling is offering new or in-training coaches the opportunity to become certified in the Introduction to Competition coaching pathway this fall season.
All participants of the program will receive:
- Mentorship support with completing their final portfolio
- Subsidy of full Introduction to Competition portfolio fee (Value: $150)
- Receive a complimentary ticket to the 2023 Ontario Coach Conference in December (Value: $100)
The in-training coach must complete a minimum of two Core Sport Specific courses listed below to become eligible for the portfolio mentorship, support and complimentary Conference ticket.
Courses Available for 10-Week Program:
Learning Style: Self-Paced, Online
Date: September 15
Price: $15.00,
Duration:1 hour
Host: Cycling Canada
Learning Style: Synchronous, In-Person
Date: September 30
Price: $120.00,
Duration: 8 hours
Host: Ontario Cycling
Learning Style: Synchronous, Online
Date: October 5
Price: $85.00,
Duration: 5 hours
Host: Coaches Association of Ontario
Learning Style: Self-Paced, Online
Date: October 11
Price: Free
Duration:1 hour
Host: Coaches Association of Ontario
Learning Style: Self-Paced, Online
Date: October 12
Price: $20
Duration:1 hour
Host: Coaches Association of Ontario
Learning Style: Synchronous, Online
Date: October 16, 18, 20, 23 & 26
Price: $75
Duration: 10 hours
Host: Cycling Canada
Learning Style: Synchronous, In-Person
Date: October 22
Price: $120.00,
Duration: 8 hours
Host: Ontario Cycling
Learning Style: Synchronous, In-Person
Date: October 21
Price: $120.00,
Duration: 8 hours
Host: Ontario Cycling
Learning Style: Synchronous, In-Person
Date: October 22
Price: $120.00,
Duration: 8 hours
Host: Ontario Cycling
Learning Style: Synchronous, Online
Date: November 13, 15, 17, 20, 22 & 24
Price: $100
Duration: 12 hours
Host: Cycling Canada
How to Get Involved
Additional subsidies are available for coaches interested in taking all courses provided. There are a limited number of spots available for the program. Individual course registration will still be available for those not included in the program. Anyone interested in being involed in this program, please contact Alex Roger by September 14