Ontario Cycling was pleased to participate in the ParticipACTION Community Challenge for the month of June to support the rollout of two HopOn programs within the Halton Region.
The ParticipACTION Community Challenge allowed Ontario Cycling to host two girls only HopOn programs at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre for girls between the ages of 7-16. By breaking down the financial barrier to sport, both 3-week grassroots, learn to ride programs were sold out by local youth. Additionally, these programs were proudly partnered and supported by Velofix Halton for cycling equipment assistance.
“I was very excited to kick off my first summer of Hop On instructing with girls-only programs in my local area. The skills that Hop On teaches – everything from being able to stop and start efficiently, to tackling features – are important for building confidence and for keeping girls cycling as they get older. The grants that allowed Ontario Cycling to offer this program free of charge to the participants are so valuable for improving diversity and inclusion in our sport and it was great to be part of it” – Scheherazade Haque, Lead Milton HopOn Program Instructor.
Moving into the summer months, Ontario Cycling is hosting a variety of HopOn programs, including more complimentary programs in the Milton community. If you would like to learn more about HopOn and programs delivered within your community, please contact Grassroots and CommunityDeveloper, Alex Roger.
Author: Alex Roger